#51: Chop Shop (2007)


Good things come to those who work hard, we’re told. Those who’ll do anything to accomplish their goals will surely succeed because that is the promise of America; freedom, success and a new car. 12-year-old orphan Ale has a plan to earn a life for himself and his sister Izzy in Willets Point, Queens in this week’s pick, CHOP SHOP by director Ramin Bahrani. Symbolizing freedom for Ale is a beat up old food truck he hopes will lead him and Izzy to a better life. Life is a struggle every day, but somehow Ale finds hope, joy, and a reason to keep trying.

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#50: Things That Bring Us Comfort


Our 50th episode just happened to fall during a global pandemic that has upended everything everywhere, so we decided to talk about what brings us comfort, hope, and a little laughter in scary times. We’re listing our top five(ish) comforting things, which are *mostly* movies. Spanning from the 1930’s to last Tuesday, Film Noir to YouTube, we hope at least one will soothe your troubled mind, or at least distract you for a while.

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#49: Mr. Show (1995) – TV Series


Part of the magic of college is that you get to learn a bunch of new stuff, not just from your professors, but also all the weird stuff that you get introduced to from a jumble of friends, friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends that you meet. A visit to someone’s trashed out apartment can introduce you to something that could change the course of your life. For Ashley that something was David Cross and Bob Odenkirk’s MR. SHOW, which aired on HBO from 1995-1998. This influential comedy sketch show is a must watch for anyone who enjoys comedy. Can Dave and Ashley manage to talk about a sketch show without just summarizing the sketches? Find out on this week’s episode of Shut Up and Watch this. Terra-da-loo!

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