#38: All the President’s Men (1976)


Ashley has a major gap in her knowledge of American history, and it is shaped like the modernist Watergate Hotel in Washington DC. This week, Dave’s pick, ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN (1976) seeks to fill that gap with intrigue, secret parking lot meetings, inappropriate nicknames for anonymous sources, and a whole lot of phone calls. For Dave this is a flashback to film school and one of his favorite screenwriting books by William Goldman. A good time for all involved, except perhaps the US democracy and Richard Nixon.

Book: Adventures in the Screen Trade – William Goldman

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#37: Pride and Prejudice (1995)


Some films become so much a part of who you are that you can’t remember a time that they were not part of your life, and so it is for Ashley with this week’s pick, the 1995 BBC miniseries PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. Staring Jennifer Ehle as Elizabeth Bennet and Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy, this is the definitive adaptation of Jane Austen’s 1813 novel, and it has been beautifully restored for the Blu-ray release. Dave was too busy with fencing lessons, brooding near fireplaces, and other man things to see the series before. This oversight has now been corrected.

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